Saturday, March 21, 2009

I've been tagged and so are U!

Hurm.. I've been tagged by Yan to do this and Heaven knowsssss I should be working on my ass(ignment :p). But what the heck, here goes~~

1. Link to the person who tagged you √
2. Post the rules in you blog.√
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.√
4. Tag 6 people to your post and link to them.√
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.√

Rule #1.

Haven't pay much attention in Mz. JP class to discover the magic of hyperlinking~ :p

Rule #2.

Already did. Duh.

Rule #3

6. I maybe will try to link this to Yan.

5. I never get the hype for Harry Potter.

4. I can sleep for 18 hours straight and still be sleepy.

3. If there's a need for me to do face reconstruction, say... accidents?(palis palissss), I would go for a Lee Hyori or Hilary Duff or Cheryl Samad look. hohoho... Ok la, maybe my own look with a cuter nose

2. Since a few years back, I only eat shelled kuaci since I am too lazy to kupas it myself.

1. I will TRY to do the George's Review after this post. ehh silap, after attempting on linking this post to Yan.

Rule #4

I am tagging:

1. Momoy

2. Jejet

3. Eddiebabidi

4. My big sis

5. ummmm

6. wth am I doing?

Rule #5

Forget it. I better spend time and energy on my review.

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