Saturday, March 21, 2009

I've been tagged and so are U!

Hurm.. I've been tagged by Yan to do this and Heaven knowsssss I should be working on my ass(ignment :p). But what the heck, here goes~~

1. Link to the person who tagged you √
2. Post the rules in you blog.√
3. Write 6 random things about yourself.√
4. Tag 6 people to your post and link to them.√
5. Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.√

Rule #1.

Haven't pay much attention in Mz. JP class to discover the magic of hyperlinking~ :p

Rule #2.

Already did. Duh.

Rule #3

6. I maybe will try to link this to Yan.

5. I never get the hype for Harry Potter.

4. I can sleep for 18 hours straight and still be sleepy.

3. If there's a need for me to do face reconstruction, say... accidents?(palis palissss), I would go for a Lee Hyori or Hilary Duff or Cheryl Samad look. hohoho... Ok la, maybe my own look with a cuter nose

2. Since a few years back, I only eat shelled kuaci since I am too lazy to kupas it myself.

1. I will TRY to do the George's Review after this post. ehh silap, after attempting on linking this post to Yan.

Rule #4

I am tagging:

1. Momoy

2. Jejet

3. Eddiebabidi

4. My big sis

5. ummmm

6. wth am I doing?

Rule #5

Forget it. I better spend time and energy on my review.

What's the point?

I don't see the point of having to suffer like this..
Only when the reward is.... a whole different aggravation of sufferance?

Yesh, this is pointless rambling.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm back~! 2009 entry

Thanks to Ms Pang, now I have to relive constant tapping on my keyboards just to have entries in my blog.

This is crap.



Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The Way I Celebrated My New Year

I drank off a stranger's drink.

Yes seriously.

I never thought that the small things you do in every day's life affect you in a major way. The way you smile in pictures, or the way you sleep like a friend of mine who would sleep with her mouth open if she's really, really tired... all that small things.

Or the way I prefer to have my friend sitting on my left side at the cinema as I tend to turn to my left side while watching the movie. My friends know about this little habit of mine so everytime we went for movies, there would definitely be someone on my left.

So, as it happened, the four of us, my sis, bro, cousin and I went to watch "The Night at the Museum" at the cinema. I sat at the farthest left side since I was the first one going into the row. I took my seat beside a cute Chinese guy and started munching on my popcorn. A couple of times, I was startled and had to remind myself not to grab the Chinese guy arm that happened to be on the armrest.

Then I choked on my popcorn for laughing so hard at the Stiller guy so I grabbed my drink and sucked hard on the straw. The coke was very refreshing.But I ordered SARSI.I looked down on my hand, while sucking on the straw and looked at the drinkholder on my right. My drink was there. I looked left. There's no drink. I HAD GRABBED SOMEONE ELSE'S DRINK!

Holding my composure, I put back the coke to its place slowly and continued watching. 5 seconds later, the guy took his drink, slowly and drank. He held the coke in his hand for 10 seconds.

Another 15 seconds, he was still holding his coke. And another 10s. Aaannnddd another 10s.

I vowed to myself to never sit at the left side of the row. Ever again.

So you see, I had quite a wild new year celebration.

Yeay~! First Post!

I am officially a blogger.
Got myself an account and plan to go craZY with my innerthoughts here.

Though, if you know me, I am not exactly the quiet type.

I am loud. Whether it's on virtual reality or even in real life. I am loud.

But at the same time, I hate confrontation. I run whenever I sense any tense up in the air.
Irony, isn't it?

Yes, I am a little bit confusing. :p

Anyways, I am ecstatic now that I got myself a place to talk nonsense :)

So guys, Welcome~~~!! \(^o^)/